Dynautics has pioneered the development of novel algorithms for adaptive dynamic positioning. Our algorithms enable surface and subsurface vehicles to be controlled within an area or on a waypoint. Sea state adaptive algorithms adjust the control parameters to achieve optimal position control according to environmental conditions. Heading can be set by the operator, or dynamically adjusted for minimum power usage.
Dynamic positioning algorithms are optionally available on all the Dynautics autopilots, MicroSPECTRE, SPECTRE 2, for surface and subsurface applications.
Surface applications for dynamic postitioning include USVs and manned craft which need to remain in a given area or on a waypoint in order to operate a process such as dredging, or to keep sensors located over a fixed point. Dynautics has pioneered the concept of Area DP, in which the vessel is required to remain within a defined area but not necessarily on one waypoint. This adaptation results in calmer propulsion demands and significant fuel savings.
The Area DP concept has been extended to a sea-state adaptive DP system. In a significant sea state, keeping station to the nearest inch is just not viable. By recognizing the natural motions which arise from the sea state, the DP system can reduce its activity levels and save fuel, while achieving the best possible accuracy in the prevailing conditions.
The Area DP concept has also led to the development of algorithms for extremely slow tracking. The autopilot can be given a DP boundary, within which it is commanded to creep slowly along a given vector. This can be used, for example, for inspecting pipelines or for water injection dredging.